Another way to add users to the selected class is to add a user individually. These would be new system users that have not previously taken classes in the system.
To add a new user individually:
- Select the class where the new users should be added
- Add Users Individually – click this to bring up the fields to complete to add a new use one at a time.
- Seats Remaining – shows the user the number of seats available to assign. More seats can be purchased on the previous screen by clicking on Add Seats.
- Enter the First Name, Last Name, and Parent (Secondary) Email Address. (No communication goes directly to students. The system generates fictious usernames for students to protect their privacy under the COPPA laws. A secondary email for the parent allows the instructor to communicate with the parents regarding the user’s class assignment, login information, and status during the course.) Once the information has been entered, click on the +AddUser(s) button to add the user to the list of individual users. These will be added when the user clicks the Submit button.
View the names of the users that have been added individually in the list. Notice that fictitious Usernames have been generated by the system for the students. This prevents direct communication with the users but allows the parent (secondary) email address to receive system communication such as login and class information. Use the Remove button to remove them from the list.
Click the Submit button to assign the users in the list to that class.
Click Cancel to exit the Seat Management screen without assigning users to the seats.