You may want to start online discussions with your class. Note that students are only allowed to post responses to new threads. To add a new thread, follow these steps:
- Click on the Discussions menu and select Collaboration.
- Click the Class Threads button. This will show the current discussion threads for your classes.
- Click the Start a New Thread button.
- Select your class using the dropdown menu.
- Enter a subject and text.
- You can upload content, such as a document, or use social media in your thread by clicking the buttons below your post. For social media items, such as YouTube, copy and paste the website link from the service.
- Click the Post Thread button.
Collaboration threads are never posted to a single student. Rather, they are posted between an instructor and an entire class. The instructor serves as a moderator for all responses. To remove a response, click the X next to that response.
Watch the Tutorial