Ready to administer the ACRE for Youth assessment? Here is some information for you, along with an attached guide you can download and print for reference!
Proctor the ACRE for Youth Assessment
- Ensure time has been allotted to complete both sections (20-30 minutes each) of the assessment.
- To get started, click on the button on the dashboard. If the proctor has been designated for more than one assessment group/class, a list of choices will be presented. The proctor will need to choose the class that they want to proctor during the session.
- Once the session has been selected, the proctor should access the Proctor screen found under the Instructor menu at the top of the screen.
- At the Proctor screen, the user can monitor student user progress, generate login codes, and close classes when testing is complete. This signals the system to begin grading the assessments and generating reports.
- One of the main jobs of the proctor is to help student users get back into the system if they inadvertently close the assessment window, or the computer loses connection.
- To log a student back in if they lose the session, click the button located to the right of the student’s name. This creates a unique login code for the user but retains the progress of the previous session.
- Provide the code to the student user who will return to the registration page and enter the new unique code. Clicking will return the student user to the assessment where they left off. Please note that the login codes expire in 1 minute, so the user needs to quickly enter the code to enter the session again.
- The second main job of the proctor is to close the session for grading. The proctor should only close the session if they are sure that all tests have been completed even if there are days between sessions.
- When all assessments are complete, click the button. This will signal the system to begin the grading process and generate reports.
- Once the grading and reports are complete, the user that has been designated as the reporting point of contact will be notified via email that the reports are ready for view.
- If a session is closed inadvertently, please contact support for assistance.
- Student progress can be viewed and monitored from the Proctor’s screen.
- When each student user completes section 1 of the assessment, the progress will show 50%.
- When each student user completes both sections of the assessment, the progress will show 100%.
- Otherwise, the progress will show 0%.
- If a student user is inadvertently logged out of the system during the assessment, they should notify the proctor immediately. The proctor will use the in green to the right of the user’s name and provide a new code to the student allowing them to log back into the system.
- It is recommended that students the entire assessment from start to finish. Students should definitely not do the following actions while actively taking the assessment.
- Exit the assessment tab
- Exit the web browser
- Open a new tab for any reason during the assessment
- Visit other applications on the system
- Close the lid of a Chromebook or laptop
- Power off the computer